Jun 3, 2010

Medical Attention

Dypsnea, COPD and hyperextended lung; all terms thrown about by my doctor. More tests next week including a stress test and ekcocardiogram (sp) and something else. Hmm, wonder if they'll find anything.

I've done a little running, a little biking and played some basketball. Not sure if I'll get the 12 marathons in. Not sure if I'll get the 6th one in.

5/23 10 at 9:30 (or so)
5/31 3.29 at 8:45 (I think)


Velma said...

oh no - feel better!

Jill said...

Argh!! So very sorry. I had chest pains last February in the midst of training for Boston and turned into a severe case of respiratory infection. I still think it was some fungus. Hoping for the best for you, hang in there!!!!

San said...

sounds bad. Hope everything is alright and the tests are negative.

Get well soon.

Karen said...

Dang... Hyperextended lung. Who even knew you could get such a thing? Well, I guess a medical professional would... Hope they figure it out so you can get back on the road!

Tony said...

Crap AZ. I hope it all turns out ok. Good Luck bud.

Julie said...

Hi Az,
I am sorry about your issues. I will keep my fingers crossed that all of your tests bring you good news. Take care!

Thompson said...

Good luck, hopefully something postitive will come from this.

TokyoRacer said...

Yes, I suppose if you've got things that no one's ever heard of, it's not good. Well, I hope you don't have any of them!

Lindsay said...

yikes, sounds scary. hope you are able to figure the answer(s) out soon!

Glenn Jones said...

OMG! I'm pulling for you AZ. Hope the doctors figure this one out pretty soon.

Beth said...

Oh, AZ, I'm so sorry to hear that. I'll be thinking about you and hope that they get it figured out and get you fixed up right away. Hang in there and take care of yourself.

Mel Loughery said...

I've been offline for a while and didn't realize you were struggling! I'm so sorry, I hope you are feeling better soon! Take care of yourself, running will always be there when you get better!

Anonymous said...

That's really bad,so sorry for that..!!Just take good care of yourself always.I just hope that you will be okay and get well soon..
personal trainer az